About Us
Providing free care for uninsured kids in central Texas.
Lirios is committed to ensuring that if a child is uninsured, they will have no barriers to accessing our high-quality care at no cost. Whether it's a wellness check, sick visit, mental health needs, or immunization, Lirios is a trusted and secure medical home, providing the necessary support that children need to thrive in health.

Our Story
In 2021, Dr. Claire Hebner and Monica Simmons, RN, met to discuss the idea of working together to create a pediatric clinic for children who fall through the cracks of the existing healthcare system. In less than two years, Lirios Pediatrics was born with the vision of a future where all children have access to equitable healthcare.
We have also been able hire to two medical assistants, a clinic supervisor and a part-time nurse practitioner to our staff so that we may extend our reach even further into the community.
Lirios, meaning “lilies” in Spanish, is named in honor and memory of Dr. Lily Sood, a beloved Austin pediatrician and dear friend. Her legacy will live on in the attention and care provided to every patient at Lirios Pediatrics.